  • DSC04445

CHINESE TEA 铁观音 80gm

RM 3.30
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[ 包装 Packing ]



[  产地 Product Origin ]

中国福建省 Fujian, China


[ 茶类 Type of tea ]

混合茶 Mix tea


[ 成份 Ingredients ]

乌龙茶,茉莉花Oolong Tea,Jasmine


[ 茶水 Tea liquid ]

金黄色Mellow yellow colour


[功效与作用 Efficacy and effects ]


Good for prevention of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level.


[ 收藏指南 Storage method ]

置放于阴凉, 干燥, 通风, 避光之出。

Keep away from sunlight, heat, moisture and odour.


[ 泡茶方法 Preparation ]

1.用热水清洗茶壶。Rinse teapot with warm water.

2.加入8-12克茶叶。Put in 8-12g tea leaves.

3.倒入110°C热水于壶内。Add 110°C boiling water.

4.把第一次茶水倒掉。Pour the first tea water out.

5.再加入热水浸泡2-3分钟即可。Add again boiling water and infuse for 2-3 minutes.

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